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Our Practice

Our team offers monthly donation based healing clinics online and by appointment only.
We use this clinic as a space to both deepen our work and skill as NIASZIIH students and practitioners while also offering hour long healing sessions for you to transform your life.

What is NIASZIIH? (Pro: Nia-zee-eye) NIASZIIHhealing is the earth-centric healing philosophy that allows the healer to become the place of healing. (from the wilderness fusion website


Who do we work with? While the focus at our school in years 5- 7 are with cancer, auto-immune, and heart disease, we work with anyone in search and in need of healing and perspective. We can work with you through various forms of physical/emotional trauma, and/or illness and create a safe container for you to find perspective internally and externally.  While this is typically a hands on healing practice, due to the Pandemic we are now able to offer sessions online. Our clinic is not designed to treat you as medical professionals so, with that, we are not here to diagnose or prescribe treatment. We are a complimentary healing modality alongside any medical professional you work with.


What is the price? Our sessions are donation based, meaning you pay what you are able to and what you believe the work is worth to you. We understand that folks come from many different means and backgrounds. Our suggested donation is $40-$100, and we will also never turn down a client for lack of funds. Payments and Donations can be made via Venmo @ContactCollective


What can I expect during a session? Each session is unique to each client and their situation. With an in-person session generally you can expect hands-on touch, within your comfort zone, accompanied by practitioners asking questions along the way. Our sessions are completely clothed. Depending upon the session we may also offer bodywork or some kind of movement to engage you and the healing work in what you need. You can always ask us questions and make requests. With our online sessions- we will send you a zoom link proper to your session and have you log-on to zoom 10 minutes prior to your session. From there we will break into healer and client groups and will spend about 15 minutes going over any intake or personal relevant history with your healing group. The sessions will be about 75 minutes in total. This space is for you and you also have a choice in how the session progresses.


Do I need to schedule a session? Yes, we ask that you contact us beforehand to schedule a session.

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